

A. Vowel
Vowel in Sunda language is quite different with English, Indonesian or Melayu vowel because Sunda is independent language as I have told you before. In Sunda language writting there are five pure vowel (a, é, i, o, u) and two netral vowel  (e (pepet) dan eu (ɤ). And this is the phonetic Alpabet in Sunda language.



B. Primary Cardinal Vowel in Sunda Language
Every language has different vowel, the number of vowel and the position it self. so I will explain you first about Primary Cardinal Vowel in  Sunda language.
Cardinal vowel i:  is defined as the vowel which as close and front as it is possible to make a vowel without obstructing the flow of air enough to produce friction noise; friction noise is the short of hissing sound. Cardinal in the end is defined as the most open and back vowel that it is possible to make but Sunda language does not have a phonetic Alpabet in that area. Cardinal vowel u: is fully close and back. Cardinal vowel a  is fully open and front. 
C. Long Vowel
Sunda language only has two long vowel, which if you find it you must read it with long duration. The long vowel are /i:/ dan /u:/. Vowel i: is more close and front. The example in Sunda Language is Hanyir /Hañi:r/. beside that vowel u: is not quite so back nor so close. The example for vowel u: is atuh /atu:h/.
D. Short Vowel
We can find seven short vowel in Sunda phonetic alpabet such as e, ə, o, ɔ, a, ɛ, eu. For the example:
e     à   coet /coét/                 à   ulekan
ə     à   Angger /Aŋgər/        à   tetap
o     à   Tong /toŋ/                 à   jangan
ɔ     à   lolong /lolɔŋ/            à   buka
a     à   abah /abah/               à   ayah
ɛ     à   cengek /céŋɛʔ/          à   cabai rawit
eu   à   ambeu /ambɤ/           à   mencium bau
/e/ in Sunda language is like sound /e/ in Indonesian language.
/ə/ in Sunda language is like when you mention elang /əlaŋ/ in Indonesian language
/o/ in Sunda language vowel /o/ or we called round /o/ is same as with another kind such as tokoh.
/ɔ/ open o same as before, the pronunciation is still same as another open o like toko in Indonesian language.
/ ɛ/ you must smile if you want to mention this one. Is like when you mention bebek /bebɛk/.
eu enter to netral vowel because when you mention it, the /u/ in /eu/ will not hear clearly and the sound is like there is pressure but the pressure is not like ɛ.
E. Diphthong
There is no diphthong is Sunda language. If you find words in Sunda language which has two vowels consecutive, it can mention as vowel because does not situated in one syllable. Such as:
/au/ in cau [ca-u] ‘pisang’ is not diphthong because is not in one syllable.
/ai/ in cai [ca-i] ‘air’ is not diphthong because is not in one syllable.
/oe/ in poe [po-é] ‘hari’ is not diphthong because is not in one syllable.
/eu/ in geulis [geɤlis] ‘cantik is not diphthong because include in netral vowel.

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