The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People

I choose this literary work become my final project because this drama is quite interesting with the main character, and his friend. They have humor nature and the plot is funny When Gwendelon and Cecily know they was proposed by same people who has same name, Ernest. And the the end I choose this drama because, the title is so classic I think, but the story I think when someone watch drama, they will not feel bored.
This is my first time watch English drama. This drama is a kind of comedy because this drama offend upper class in Victorian era. Which take easy on life. I found one favorite quotation from this drama.
“All woman become like her mother. That is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his.” (Wilde, t:00:30:48 )

Why this statement was interest for me because it is confusing, why if  the daughters become like mother, is there something wrong? And why no man does? As we know that they talked about Gwendelon’s future, because Earnest did not want she become like her mother, Lady Bracknell and Algernon answer like that. But I think it is a little bit right, because someone (women) almost grow become like her mother, and it mean they don’t have their own personality, that is why it is become tragedy. And we know that no man grow become like their mother because that is their destiny, they were born as a man, and it cause they will not grow like her mother. However that statement was only a joke from Algernon Moncrieff.
I will tell you a little bit about this drama, it wrote in 1894, and was written by Oscar Wild. The story it was about Jack, who has two names, Ernest in town and Jack in country. When Ernest came in Algernon’s house in that house finally Algernon knew Ernest had two names. When Lady Bracknell and her daughter came, Ernest proposed Gwendelon, she accepted it. But her mother Lady Bracknell did not allow that when she knew Ernest was an orphan.
In the country side, there were Ms. Prims and  Cecily. Ms. Prism was a teacher who was paid by Ernest to teached Cecily. Cecily was granddaughter of Thomas Cardew who adopted Earnest, he wanted Earnest became a guardian of Cecily. Soon after, Algernon came to Cecily’s house but he admitted his name was Ernest Worthing. And in Cecily’s mind Ernest Worthing was a young brother of his guardian, Jack. Algernon fell in love with Cecily and proposed her. She accepted him.
After that Gwendelon came to Cecily’s house. Because she had promised with Ernest (Jack) when she in Algernon’s house she would come to Ernest’s house in the country. But they found, both of them had been engage with person who had a same name, Ernest. When Ernest and Algernon reappear, Cecily and  Gwendelon knew they was cheated.
Afterwards Lady Bracknell came to Cecily’s house and so shocked because she knew Algernon had been engage with Cecily, but she gave bless to them. When Ms. Prism returned and they talked about missing baby, and finally all people in that room knew Jack was young brother from Algernon. So finally this story was happy ending.
Now I am going to explain the characterizations of this drama. Ernest Worthing, is a protagonist actually, the proof is he protect Cecily perfectly. The weakness is he lie to people about his name. He has two identities, Ernest in city, and Jack in country.
Gwendelon Firefax, was a protagonist character but has a little arrogance. But she had brave nature because she does not follow her mother advice for kept away from Ernest. The proof was when she said to Ernest “But Although she (her mother) prevent  us from becoming man and wife and I may marry someone else and marry often, nothing that she can alter my eternal devotion to you” (Wilde, t:00:33:28)
Algernon Moncrieff. He was a Ernest’s best friend, he is really smart young man because he can played a piano so good actually. He likes to be modest. The proof was when he said to his butler about his piano performance was not good. But not like that actually, and he had humor nature.
Lady Bracknell, was Gwendelon’s mother she was protagonist actually because she wants the best man for her daughter. But the reason for refuse Ernest is nonsense. She was aristocrat, it mean she was upper class.
Ms. Prism was good character she teached Cecily goodly. But she was ungainly person, because she still single in old age. The proof was in the last when she says “Mr. Ernest I am unmarried”. (Wilde, t:01:38:25)
Cecily Cardew, was a young woman. The granddaughter of Thomas Cardew and protected by Ernest. She was a smart woman actually.
Dr. Chasuble, was a old man. He had a sense of humor. But in this drama he only a helper actor.
From this drama, I found several facts. First, from the beginning of this drama I found that Ernest started to lie to everyone, such as : Algernon, Cecily, Gwendelon, Ms. Prism, etc. He lied about his name to All of people in that drama, after that he lied because he admitted did not recognize the people who had name Cecily to Algernon, and he also lied about his brother to Cecily. Second, Ernest Worthing loved whole people in this drama so much. Third, Ernest worthing was a person who had a responsibility especially to Cecily. Fourth, Ernest Worthing was Friendly because he had many friends in town and in the country.
From that facts, we know that Ernest Worthing is a good character actually, but he lied to everyone. And I will tell you why he lied to everyone whereas he was a good character in this drama.
First, why did Jack hide his identity? I think it was because made him easier to went to country and went to  town. Because as we know he had responsibility to Cecily. May be for easier to went out from Cecily house he made two identities and made another character to Cecily’s mind, the character was Earnest Worthing.
Second, why did Ernest admit did not recognize the people who had name Cecily to Algernon? As we know that Earnest told Algernon he wanted Gwendelon became her wife. Therefore in my opinion, it was only his spontanity to answer Algernon’s question Because if he admitted he knew her, the situation was going to crucial, and made him must explained many thing. Even thought, finally he clarified everything.
Third, why did he admit Ernest Worthing which actually the character who made by himself was die? Because he had proposed Gwendelon. As we know that in that story when Algernon came to Cecily’s house, she admitted her guardian’s brother (Ernest Worthing) previously sent her love letter and their relationship has ended. Which I think that from Jack Worthing, because Algernon did not know Cecily before and after he proposed Gwendelon, he wanted Cecily to did not save a hope to Ernest Worthing, and he made a decision to stop their relationship.
Return to  my thesis statement why he lied to everyone actually he was a good character. I take excerpt from sparknotes, “the fictional brother is Jack’s alibi, his excuse for disappearing from Hertfordshire and going off to London to escape his responsibilities and indulge in exactly the sort of behavior he pretends to disapprove of in his brother”. Thus, from this excerpt we know that Ernest hide his identity for escape his responsibility.
Website of psychology put B. F. Skinner’s quotation as a psychologist, he said that active behavior that operates upon the environment to generate consequences (1953). From that excerpt we know that everyone who get something from their environment will do something and make a consequences to his self. it mean that everyone attitude was influenced by their environment, such as their society, their friends or their condition. What they do or how their personality grow, his environment has a contribution to them.
This drama was written in Victorian era. In that era there were three social classes upper class, middle class and working place. We can see Lady Bracknell was aristocrat and she include upper class, and Jack was from middle class because he did not have job better than Lady Bracknell family and he was an orphan. Lady Bracknell did not accept Earnest became her daughter’s husband because he was an orphan she wanted someone who proposed her daughter was distinct where he came from. We can see there was a difference about upper class and another class, because another class was lower than upper class.
His first falsehood made him continued his another falsehood. First he hide his identity, because of it he must made another identity. Thus, he had two identities, Jack and Ernest, as we know Ernest was his imaginary brother from Jack. Because he lied about his brother he must lied again to removed his imaginary brother from Cecily’s mind. We can see every people who doing falsehood are going to do another falsehood.
Now I can get the conclusion why Earnest lied to everyone whereas he was a good character in this drama. Because He was only a young man, but he got more responsibility than another young man. He must kept Cecily, and so many people dependent to him. And as we know that in that story, Wilde decribe  there was difference between upper class and middle class. And we know before he knew his true family, Jack worthing was from middle class because he was not aristocrat, he was an orphan and he did not know who was his parent. We can see he had pressure in his own self that was must kept Cecily and condition about upper and another class made him lied to everyone.
If Sigmud Freud as a Psychologist introduced about ‘unconscious mind’. I think that Jack Worthing, made his another identity (Ernest) it was not from his unconscious mind, but he do it with his conscious mind. therefore Jack did lie because pressure from his condition like a theory which introduced by Skinner.

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